Watercolour, coloured pencil, and digital illustration of the four Ankh Morpork Night Watch Guards with the Librarian orangutan, as written by Sir Terry Pratchett. They are stood in a defensive group, weapons ready, around Carrot Ironfounderson.

The Night Watch.

In Guards! Guards! (Pratchett, T. 1989), the Ankh Morpork Night Watch consists of Corporal Nobby Nobbs, Sergeant Fred Colon, Captain Sam Vimes, and impressive new recruit Carrot Ironfounderson. Without spoiling a great book too much, the Unseen University’s librarian (an orangutan) is sworn in as a special constable.

This project was part of my Illustration MA with Falmouth University.


Woolly Jumpers Frog Repeat Pattern


A Box of Frogs